Where are the new leaders?

Sometimes, I think I’m tired.

So a question comes to mind: Tired of what? I don’t wake up very early. I’ve tried, but I can’t. I don’t clear land, and I don’t rely on hard physical labor to survive.

Then I remember Álvaro de Campos:

No, it’s not tiredness…
It’s a kind of disgusted disillusionment,
A failure to conceive, an unnecessary excess,
Or a subconscious consequence.

It’s a heavy disillusionment. Seeing so many capable people, whom I thought were more capable than me, acting like children, asking for homework. “The teacher didn’t give any homework, just asked us to study, so I don’t know what to do” – that’s the situation I find myself in, and the kind of leader I have to enlighten.

And then the youngest student, enthusiastic and still aware, suggests something useful. (Well, my hope returns). But what the hell is that older, theoretically knowledgeable student thinking?

“I don’t agree with the suggestion; I’m tired of arguing, someone has to decide.”

Just like a kid who is hungry and expects her mother to decide what to eat. There I was, desperate for someone to take charge of the situation, and I’m faced with this childishness.

My first impulse was to say: well, I expected you to take the reins, organize your team, and solve the problem. But that was asking too much.

All this situation left me with some thoughts:

Where are today’s leaders? Where is that confident young man or woman who puffs up their chest and says, “Leave it to me”?

One day, I was the one who stepped up. I stepped up more than once. I didn’t complain, I didn’t run away. I just did it, and here I am, with no one left to talk to.

Where are the new leaders? Please let me know.

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